Today, I decided to start up a website that will be fully and completely for my future business. What might that be, you ask? Consulting! I have been thinking about this for a very long time and now that we are settling into a new place, I am feeling the urge to return to my consulting plans. Tomorrow, our furniture and boxes will arrive and I will be able to unpack my books. I have felt lost these last couple weeks without them. But I know that having them back will give me a renewed energy that I did not have in Buffalo. Or at least, that is what I am hoping will happen.
Unpacking your life, after a move, gives you a chance to start over. Not just in a new place, but also with new organizing schemas. This is what I am hoping will propel me into the next phase of my career life. Currently, I am working part-time (remote) for my former company, but I can sense that fading away soon enough. In the meantime, I am searching for a library job, but in lieu of that, I can certainly offer myself as a consultant in the Huntsville area. We shall see what the coming weeks and months hold. One thing I know – I am not good at not having a full-time job. These last 2 weeks have been difficult for me, to say the least. I am thankful that my former company allowed me to stay on in a part-time capacity, so I wouldn’t lose my income fully, but even part-time is not enough for my driven soul. I need to be actively working or I have trouble coping with the day to day stuff.
On that note – this site will serve as a place for me to start looking into all the ways I can consult. If you have suggestions, please comment below! In the meantime, take a look at my LinkedIn profile if you are interested in my qualifications and career/academic history.